7 small steps that could lead to big things

Last week I stumbled across a great Twitter thread by Dr. Nicole LePera (@Theholisticpsychttps) while I was pondering self-care, well-being and reflection… you know the usual stuff I ponder. She is a Psychologist, Author (How To Do The Work) and a podcast host. She listed 7 things that […]

Getting into ‘flow’.

January 24th 1975: The Koln Opera House Keith and Vera stood on the stage just looking at the piano wondering what could possibly be done. It wasn’t the right one and it was in poor condition. Keith had briefly played it and found it to be out of […]

Effort begets Motivation

It’s really hard to stay motivated and focussed isn’t it. I find I’m on about a 3 or 4 week cycle with many things like exercise and nutrition. I have maybe 2 to 3 weeks of intense focussed helpful activity and then into the third week things slide […]

Sleep deprivation is an epidemic – 1 in 3 are not getting enough sleep

Sleep deprivation is an epidemic – 1 in 3 are not getting enough sleep. If this was some sort of disease or virus I’m certain governments, organisations, and individuals would start taking action. But they don’t. Sleep is seen as something we can divert our attention from because […]

Stick to the process

Stick to the process even if you need to replan. Sticking to the process and having a plan are two different things. The process is the order in which you do things, the plan is how you are going to do those things in the order that is […]


My favourite meme that I have seen about procrastination is that it is ‘The art of ruining your life for no apparent reason!’ Whenever I say when I’m speaking to people about being organised it always raises a smile. It’s one of those statements that resonates with us […]

Self Care Shorts: Recommended Books

There are many books that cover the areas I talk about but these are my particular favourites that I have found helpful…. have a look! And obviously my own! ‘How to Thrive at Work’ is aimed at everyone while ‘How to Thrive in Professional Practice’ is aimed at […]

Right Gear, Right Place, Right Task

The key skill I advocate for people to engage with for being productive – and by that I mean living your best life (not just work!) – is planning. You will consistently fail to put yourself in the right place at the right time for the right task […]

Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits for Highly Effective People

The message that I’m going to give you here is a simple one…. Keep engaging in the same habits and you’ll get the same resultsEngage in different habits you’ll get different results Simple! So if you are aceing all of your habits – good job! But maybe a […]

Be productive everywhere!

Let me explain just what I mean by being productive! The problem when I say ‘be productive’ is that most people immediately start to think about being productive at work, or maybe at study. But for me that misses out whole other parts of our lives where it […]