10 things to make 2023 great!

2023 is set to be a great year don’t you think! There are some things that I need to absolutely focus on! There are some things I need to do better and there are some things I could do with doing a little less! Now though is a […]

Stick to the process

Stick to the process even if you need to replan. Sticking to the process and having a plan are two different things. The process is the order in which you do things, the plan is how you are going to do those things in the order that is […]


My favourite meme that I have seen about procrastination is that it is ‘The art of ruining your life for no apparent reason!’ Whenever I say when I’m speaking to people about being organised it always raises a smile. It’s one of those statements that resonates with us […]

Set your mind to the planning

I’ve got into the habit when talking to people about self-care of finding myself often saying, “all we are doing here is playing psychological tricks on ourselves to get the best out of ourselves so ‘ourselves’ stop getting in the way”. There’s a funny thing goes on in […]

Moving a mountain

I was reminded recently of this Chinese proverb – “The man who moved a mountain was the one who began carrying away small stones.”  This resonates with me so much. I’m often put off getting started with big tasks because they just seem, well, too big! What reminded me […]

Think big, start small, begin now…

Recently I got to wondering when I started setting myself big long term goals and I realised I’ve probably always done it. Most productivity commentators will tell you that you should have at least a 5 year plan. Personally I think you need a life plan! What is […]