Here’s the highlights of the things I talk about in my ‘Three Pillars of Resilience – Self Care and Productivity’ talks.

- Emotional Pillar
- While we could have explored the emotional pillar on it’s own, how we feel emotionally is influenced by how we feel physically and how organised we are. If we feel in control of ‘self’ and ‘tasks’ we are more likely to respond pragmatically to things than emotionally
- We’ll be ‘Competent Pilots’ of our lives as Daniel Goleman puts it
- Physical Pillar
- Micro/Medium/Macro – all 3 types of rest are important – small rests of a few minutes regularly, medium rests (20 minutes or so) like your lunch break and longer rests on evening and weekends
- Rest enhances your default mode network
- Rest improves empathy as a consequence of an enhanced default mode network
- 8 hours is best, from10/10.30 to 6/6.30 – and ask yourself the question ‘are you satisfied with your sleep’
- The physical health problems associated with lack of sleep are significant
- The mental well-being problems of lack of sleep are problems with – flow, planning, concentration, and may result in an emotional sea-saw
- Links to blogs
- Great stress-buster
- 20 minutes of gentles exercise a day on average across a week
- Boosts mood and motivation
- Improves brain function
- Links to blogs
- Has a role in influencing mood
- Eat lots of plants!
- Link to blog
- You are what you eat
- Practical Pillar
- Planning and routine are crucial – we thrive on it
- Blog: Stick to the process
- Blog: Set your mind to planning
- Multi-task as little as possible – single task
- Chunk similar tasks together
- Eat your frogs early in the day/week
- Break large tasks down into smaller components to overcome procrastination
- Don’t underestimate the time large tasks will take – give yourself wiggle room
- Get those small tasks done – 2-minute rule
- Visualise your day and check you have everything you need – then get into those tunnels
- Plan as far ahead as is absolutely possible
- Always check-in with tomorrow at the end of every day
- Always check in with next week at the end of every week
- Planning and routine are crucial – we thrive on it

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